Guidelines for Fund 128 Auxiliary Balances

Appropriation 128 includes a combination of major and minor auxiliaries and, therefore, the appropriate level of balances will differ based on the type of activity. Additionally, given the nature of Appropriation 128 activities, other policies and requirements for reserves and cash balances apply. Consequently, it is important for units to consult with the Office of Auxiliary Operations Analysis (AOA) in conjunction with these guidelines.

Transportation Services and student fee funded auxiliaries are subject to UW System Administrative Policy 314 (formerly F43). Maximum reserve levels are outlined in Attachment 3. For the operating reserve target, UW-Madison replaces the 15% of prior year revenue with one month of permanent salaries and fringes in most instances. Student fee funded auxiliaries include:

  • University Housing
  • Wisconsin Union
  • Recreational Sports
  • University Health Services (UHS)
  • Child Care Tuition Assistance Program (CCTAP)
  • Allocable segregated fee funded activities in the Division of Student Life
  • Student print

Other major auxiliaries have fund balance requirements that vary from program to program. Intercollegiate Athletics, Division of Informational Technology (DoIT), Physical Plant, Car Fleet, and MDS/SWAP should discuss the appropriate fund balance levels with the Office of Auxiliary Operations Analysis (AOA).

All other Appropriation 128 activities are considered minor auxiliaries and should follow the guidelines for Fund 136 (here).